For what it’s worth…Here’s How I plan to vote in the May 4 election and why
By Ashley Bean Thornton All the races in the May 4 Join General Election in McLennan County are non-partisan. Ahhhh! How relaxing! It’s so nice to take a break from partisan shenanigans and just try to consider folks on their merits and ideas. Early voting info May 4 Voting Places (Only 30 this time, so…
Read MoreStandardized testing in a Non-standard world
By Ashley Bean Thornton I am going to brag on myself a little bit, but I have a more noble purpose in mind. So, please bear with me. You know what I am really good at? Standardized tests. Standardized tests have been very, very good to me. I “earned” more than a semester of college…
Read MoreWe need to shop for real fruit when we shop for candidates.
By Ashley Bean Thornton So…I watched the State of the Union the other night, and predictably for those who know me, I thought Mr. Biden did a great job! The next day I got my weekly email from my current Representative in the U.S. House, Mr. Pete Sessions. It started this way… “Last night, President…
Read MoreThe Utility of the American Dream: Oh, to be a Granddad at Whataburger on a Saturday morning!
By Ashley Bean Thornton There’s a guy I see about once a week at Whataburger. I’m guessing he’s about my age, a white guy. Friendly, but not aggressively so. Just a nice guy. I don’t know what he does for a living now; I think he used to be some kind of minister. Anyway, this…
Read MoreWandering the Neighborhood…
By Ashley Bean Thornton I am very worried about the current state of politics and the direction our state and country seem to be taking. I disagree with so many of the actions of the Republican Party right now. I worry that we are edging toward a dangerous religious nationalism. I am frustrated that we…
Read MoreTexas House to Greg Abbott: You’re not the boss of me!
By Ashley Bean Thornton Holy Cow! This Texas school voucher business is getting to be quite the political spectacle! Here is the show so far as I understand it: Governor Greg Abbott is bound and determined to pass some kind of School Voucher/Educational Savings Account (ESA) bill. The Texas Senate passed one in the regular…
Read MoreFear of the One True Way…
By Ashley Bean Thornton I am new at Politics…still building my political stamina. It can feel overwhelming. Every now and then I have to remember what is driving me to get involved and stay involved. I would like to say that it is some goal I want us to accomplish together – some improved and…
Read MoreRush vs. ABT
I couldn’t figure out how to format this as a blog post — so I just made a page. Here’s the link: Rush vs. ABT – Dead Armadillo Politics ( Happy reading! — ABT
Read MoreBracing myself for the coming year…
By Ashley Bean Thornton We are almost exactly a year out from the 2024 Presidential elections, and I predict this will be a year of political nastiness. Sometimes I get frustrated to the point of despair with the ugliness of our political discourse. When that happens it helps me to step back and think for…
Read MoreLet’s Vote!: 11.7.23
Early voting starts tomorrow! I plan to stop off at the Waco Multi-Purpose Center in East Waco on my way to AfterSchool tomorrow and exercise my rights! We are all getting a chance to vote on 14 amendments to the Texas Constitution, and some of us will have the chance to vote on school board…
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