Just a quick comparison…

I cannot imagine that there is much that I could add that hasn’t already been said about the Trump trial and conviction.  I’ll have to think about that a bit.

Both campaigns are using the Guilty verdict for fundraising purposes.

I am struck by the difference in tone between these two fundraising emails that I have received in the last couple of days.

Biden Letter 

Trump Letter

I don’t really have much to say about it.  I am just struck by the difference in language and approach.  I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.


  1. Margo Pearson on June 3, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    Unfortunately, President Biden’s campaign needs to learn to be short, passionate and to the point. The letter is a good essay in a text message world. But people want text messages not well reasoned thoughts.
    The Trump campaign demonstrates how to live in a world they make up. I picture them as four year olds who tell stories, true or false? Doesn’t matter. But the writing is short and to the point.

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