Ron DeSantis Announcement of Presidential Run – 5.24.23

Ron DeSantis campaign website: Ron DeSantis for President | Ron DeSantis for President

By Ashley Bean Thornton

I have been summarizing the opening campaign speeches from the presidential candidates to see if I can sift out what they actually plan to do.  In this post I summarize Ron Desantis’ announcement speech.   Love it or hate it — I have tried to stick pretty close to his own words and to be fair in summarizing what I assume to be his platform for 2024. I tried to include as much about how he plans to do these things as I was able to deduce from the speech. – ABT

Here’s the link I used:

What he says he has done…

  • Florida is the nation’s fastest growing state we’re number one in net in-migration
  • number one in new business formations
  • recently ranked number one in education
  • we have a 50-year low crime rate
  • one of the lowest tax and debt per capita in America

What he says he will do…

  • Reverse inflationary policies that are hurting working people. stop pricing hard-working Americans out of a good standard of living through inflationary borrow, print and spending policies.
  • Embrace American Energy Independence.
  • Reject attacks on the men and women of law enforcement.
  • Build an economy where working Americans can achieve a good standard of living.
  • Shut down the Border. Construct the border wall and hold the drug cartels accountable.
  • Make sure that medical authoritarianism such as unconstitutional covid vax mandates can never happen again.
  • We will never surrender to the woke mob and we will leave woke ideology in the Dustbin of History.
  • Eliminate ideological agendas such as global warming and gender ideology from our military. Focus the military on the core Mission and reverse the poor military recruiting trends.
  • We cannot have a true constitutional government if the most significant issues are decided by the whims of unelected bureaucrats. Re-establish integrity in our institutions by returning government to its rightful owners, we the people. We will reconstitutionalize the executive branch and bring the administrative state to heel.


For a similar summary of Donald Trump’s speech at his Waco Rally on 3.25.23: Summary of Trump’s Waco Speech – 3.25.23 – Dead Armadillos (

For a similar summary of Nikki Haley’s speech announcing her presidential run: Summary of Nikki Haley speech announcing Presidential Run – February 14, 2023 – Dead Armadillos (

For a similar summary of Joe Biden’s 2023 State of the Union Address: Summary of Joe Biden State of the Union Address – 2.7.2023 – Dead Armadillos (

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