Presidential Candidate: Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley campaign website: Home – Nikki Haley for President

By Ashley Bean Thornton

I’m a little late doing this, but I watched Nikki Haley’s speech announcing her run for president.  I tried to sift out the issues and her proposals.  Love it or hate it — I have tried to stick pretty close to her own words and to be fair in summarizing what I assume to be her platform for 2024. – ABT

Link to speech I watched:

What she says she has done

…as governor of South Carolina

    • Cut taxes
    • Created thousands of jobs
    • Revitalized economy

…as ambassador to the United Nations

    • Told the world that we would have the backs of our allies, and for those who didn’t have our backs “we were taking names.”

What she says she will do

  • End inflation and build an economy that works for all (like we did in South Carolina)
  • Every child gets a world class education because every parent gets to pick their child’s school
  • No politician will be able to close schools ever again.
  • Police know we have their backs and criminals know we have their number.
  • Stop the surge of drugs and immigration through “real” border and mandatory e-verify (like we got done in South Carolina)
  • Businesses must hire Americans, not illegals.
  • Improve confidence in elections – Voter ID will be the law of the land (like we have in South Carolina)
  • End corporate welfare and bail outs for big business
  • End earmarks and pork that fuel big government
  • Term limits for congress
  • Mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75 years old
  • America: “Strong & Proud – not Weak & Woke”
  • Armed forces stronger and more capable than ever
  • Start pumping more oil and gas and stop buying dirty oil from Venezuela
  • Stand with our allies from Israel to Ukraine and stand up to our enemies in Iran and Russa
  • Communist China will end up on the ash heap of history


Link to similar summary of Donald Trump’s Waco rally speech on 3.25.23: Summary of Trump’s Waco Speech – 3.25.23 – Dead Armadillos (





  1. […] For a similar summary of Nikki Haley’s speech announcing her presidential run: Summary of Nikki Haley speech announcing Presidential Run – February 14, 2023 – Dead Armadillos … […]

  2. […] For a similar summary of Nikki Haley’s speech announcing her presidential run: Summary of Nikki Haley speech announcing Presidential Run – February 14, 2023 – Dead Armadillos … […]

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