Seniors of ’79 – It’s time to shine!

By Ashley Bean Thornton Seniors of ’79 – We are old, and we need to start acting our age! I’m not talking about watching our cholesterol and doing our stretches. Ha! We’re not THAT old! (Are we? Wait…)  I’m talking about acting our age when it comes to politics.  We may have a tough time…

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What does it look like when the economy is doing well?

by Ashley Bean Thornton What am I really talking about when I talk about “the economy?”  If the economy were going well, what would that look like to me? For me personally, I can get and keep a job I like that pays enough that I can live a lifestyle that satisfies me. The prices…

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Presidential Candidate: Donald Trump

Donald Trump campaign website: Home | Donald J. Trump ( By Ashley Bean Thornton So, I dug through Trump’s speech from the Waco airport and tried to sift out the actual issues and what he is actually proposing from the flotsam and jetsam of a long political speech.  Love it or hate it — I…

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What makes my life good?

By Ashley Bean Thornton What makes my life good?  I’m not talking about “spiritual good.”  I’m talking about “comfortable/easy” good – “warm when it’s cold, cool when it’s hot” good. “Turn the key in the ignition and the car starts” good.  “Get pretty much whatever book I want whenever I want it and have at…

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How do we become the market for the product we want?

By Ashley Bean Thornton In a 2008 New Yorker interview conservative political strategist Roger Stone is quoted as saying, “Remember, politics is not about uniting people. It’s about dividing people and getting your 51 percent.”  I find this quote both chilling, and hard to dismiss.  Hard to dismiss because it seems like such an accurate…

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Holy cow! Can’t we figure out how to vote?

By Ashley Bean Thornton This whole thing with the Texas Voting Bill has gotten under my skin.  Good grief!  It seems like grown people should be able to figure out a way to work together that does not include a bunch of them having to leave the state, while the rest stand around and crow…

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