Ron DeSantis Announcement of Presidential Run – 5.24.23
Ron DeSantis campaign website: Ron DeSantis for President | Ron DeSantis for President By Ashley Bean Thornton I have been summarizing the opening campaign speeches from the presidential candidates to see if I can sift out what they actually plan to do. In this post I summarize Ron Desantis’ announcement speech. Love it or…
Read MorePresidential Candidate: Joe Biden
Joe Biden Campaign website: Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website By Ashley Bean Thornton I have been summarizing the opening campaign speeches from the presidential candidates. President Biden did not really make a speech to launch his campaign. Instead, he released a campaign ad that doesn’t give very many specifics about his platform. So…
Read MorePresidential Candidate: Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley campaign website: Home – Nikki Haley for President By Ashley Bean Thornton I’m a little late doing this, but I watched Nikki Haley’s speech announcing her run for president. I tried to sift out the issues and her proposals. Love it or hate it — I have tried to stick pretty close to…
Read MoreWhat is actually in SB 8: Education Savings Account Program?
By Ashley Bean Thornton (Note: The pronoun “she” is used throughout this post for ease of readability.) Here is the link to the text of Senate Bill 8 (SB 8) as passed by the Texas Senate on May 15, 2023: 88(R) SB 8 – Engrossed version (texas.gov). The bill is currently pending in the House…
Read MoreA disagreement by any other name…
by Ashley Bean Thornton I visited the Texas Capitol the other day. I’ve been before as a tourist and as part of a group visiting for “Waco Day,” but this was the first time I went with my own agenda. I am deeply opposed to SB 1515 which would require the Ten Commandments to be…
Read MoreWhy this Christian opposes a bill to post the Ten Commandments in Texas Public School Classrooms
By Ashley Bean Thornton Senate Bill 1515 has passed in the Texas Senate and is now being considered by the Public Education Committee of the Texas House of Representatives. This bill seeks to modify the Texas Education code to say, “A public elementary or secondary school shall display in a conspicuous place in each classroom…
Read MoreWhy does SB 1515 make me so mad?
By Ashley Bean Thornton I’m having a tough time pinning down why exactly I am so mad. I rarely go to bed angry. The few times I do go to bed angry, I almost never wake up angry. But that is where I found myself this morning. Still angry. I was having a fine dinner…
Read MoreFighting about the Debt Limit — Yuck!
By Ashley Bean Thornton This whole debt ceiling stand-off and the accompanying chatter about potential economic collapse is giving me the heebie-jeebies! I am too close to retirement for us to be dinking around with economic collapse! I thought it might help reduce my fretting to try to learn a little bit more about it.…
Read More“The Rant” Part 3: Rant Revised
by Ashley Bean Thornton (This is the last in a 3-part series of posts inspired by a rant I found on Facebook. Click here to see the original rant. This post may not make much sense without reading the first post. Click here to see “The Rant” Part 1. The second post in the series…
Read More“The Rant” Part 2: Why am I writing?
By Ashley Bean Thornton (Second in a series of posts inspired by a rant that caught my eye on Facebook. Click here to see the original rant. This post may not make much sense without reading the first post: Click here to see “The Rant” Part 1). Thinking about this rant makes me ask myself: What…
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